Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Halloween Fun!

Our Halloween Day

Today we had a blast!  This morning we decorated pumpkins with the Grade 1/2 class.  We had so much fun with our little buddies!  After decorating we read books and played games with them to the spooky tunes of  Halloween!

Afterward we went back to class and the kids put the finishing touches on their Halloween narratives. 

In the afternoon we had a "spooky Halloween Coffeehouse" where we got into character to spooky music and Halloween lighting and read each other's spooky stories and gave feedback.  We then introduced our new persona's to the class and enjoyed some tasty treats of "coffee" and "sophisticated desserts" (2 bite brownies)!

I had so much fun!  I hope the kids did too!

Sunday, October 28, 2018

This Week in Grade 5/6

Math:  We are finishing up our unit in transformational geometry this week. Friday we worked on making patterns with pattern blocks and we discussed how the patterns could be a result of transformations.  We even had a visit from our Director, Terry Lyons, who was able to see our hard work!  Once the kids made their patterns, they described the pattern on a sticky note, so we could see their understanding.

Literacy:  We are wrapping up our unit on Narrative Writing.  I read the story "Murder Revealed" to the students on Thursday and gave them an independent assessment task where they had to identify all of the elements of a short story using that specific text.  They did very well overall!
Rough copies of the kids' stories are due Monday.  I will work with each student to show them how to properly edit their work.  They are drawing their own title pages to reflect the events of the story.  We used this mentor text as our inspiration:

Science:  We are going to perform an experiment on the digestive system tomorrow!  It is sure to be a hit!  We will finish up our Science unit this week, and then begin our first unit in Social Studies.  

Drama:  Our plays will take place on Tuesday afternoon at 1 pm.  I can't wait to see the kids' performances!

Remembrance Day:  Our class will be putting together a little ceremony with Ms. Daragon's Grade 1/2 class on Friday November 9th to honor all those who protect our freedom.

Again, just a reminder to please remind your children to use their agendas.  This is such a useful tool in teaching organization and responsibility.

Sunday, October 21, 2018

This Week in 5/6R

Math:  We have just begun our unit on transformational geometry.  This is better known as working with sliding shapes, reflecting them, and rotating them on a co-ordinate grid.  The kids have been playing battleship to practice plotting their points, and have been working with pattern blocks, tracing paper, chart paper, different colored markers, wipe boards, mirras and geoboards to practice moving their shapes.  We will continue to work on these skills all week.  Talk to your kids about it, and ask them to see their work, it's always good to keep the lines of communication open!

Reading and Writing:  We continue to analyze parts of a narrative, and write our own narratives.  We also have not forgotten about the paragraph.  On Friday we did a guided writing lesson on "goblins."  The kids generated ideas in a brainstorm bubble.  From there we narrowed the focus and chose three ideas that flowed together, and wrote a paragraph collaboratively.  From there the kids wrote their own.  It was fun and they really showed how much they are learning!

Science:  We ventured on a nature walk to Malden Park to examine its' biodiversity vs the biodiversity of the schoolyard.  We walked through the trails, found bugs, turtles, and even a bat!  The kids were hilarious...they were really taking the role of nature explorer seriously!  We had a blast.  This week we continue to examine biodiversity in Grade 6, and the muscular and skeletal systems in Grade 5.

Phys-Ed:  We are moving on to volleyball this month, but we will continue to "work out" on Tuesdays. 

Drama:  Our plays will take place on October 30th.  We are presenting them to the primary classes in the afternoon.

Religion:  We continue to examine the 4th and 5th commandments.

Reminders:  Please speak to your children about using their agendas.  Time is allotted every day for agenda writing.  It is a good practice for the kids to use them daily.  Please feel free to communicate with me through the agenda, or phone me at school.  I am available daily from 10:30 to 11.

Note:  The kids were lucky enough to participate in the "student vote" led by Mr. Thompson's class, and Bob Belecicco even showed up to check it out!

Thanks for sharing your kids with me!  They make my day every day!  We have the greatest class!

Saturday, October 13, 2018

What's Happening in Grade 5/6

Math:  We have just wrapped up our unit on whole numbers (multiplication, long division, order of operations, solving real life problems).  We will begin our unit on transformational geometry on Monday.  This unit includes moving and rotating shapes.  Take a look at the learning goals posted in your child's notebook tomorrow.

Reading and Writing:  We have begun studying narrative writing and the kids are loving it.  We are going to begin our center work during guided reading this week, and writing our own spooky stories.

Science:  We are looking at the muscular, skeletal and nervous systems in grade 5 this week and biodiversity throughout the neighborhood in grade 6.

Phys-Ed:  We will begin studying volleyball skills in gym, along with working out our muscles and running the beep test.

Religion:  Much to the happiness of our parent community we are studying the fourth and fifth commandments this week:  "Honor they Father and Mother," and "Thou Shalt Not Kill."  Here we will look at the practical meaning of these commandments and how we can apply them to daily life.

Drama:  The kids are rehearsing their own Halloween Plays over the next few weeks.  We plan to present to the primary classes at the end of the month.
Image result for halloween plays

Thanks for sharing your kids with me...they truly are a wonderful bunch!

Some students are not writing in their agendas daily yet they are given a set time to write in them.  They often tell me they left the agenda at home, or don't know where it is.  Please communicate to your child the importance of keeping track of classwork daily.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Math Test Tomorrow!

Tomorrow we have our first unit test in Math.  Please sit with your child and review the learning goals in their notebooks.

Yesterday was our soccer tournament.  The kids played great and the weather was awesome!  Great day had by all!

Saturday, October 6, 2018

What's Up in 5/6 This Week

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!  Hopefully you have a restful weekend with loved ones.
This week in 5/6R we will be tackling the following:

Math:  We are wrapping up our unit on whole numbers.  Please take a look at the learning goals sheet in your child's notebook.  A review will be going home Tuesday.  We will take it up on Thursday and cover any last questions for our test on Friday.

Reading:  We are going to start our unit on Narrative Writing this week!  Our theme is spooky stories!  You can assist your child by reviewing the characteristics of a narrative which have been given to them in note form to keep in their duotangs.

We are also continuing with our guided reading groups.  In order to help your child succeed, read different texts with them nightly and discuss what you read.  This broadens comprehension skills.

Writing:  We are working on narrative writing this month.  The kids will be writing their own "spooky stories!"

Science:  We continue with diversity of living things in grade 6, with a focus on analyzing the biodiversity of a specific area, Yelowstone National Park.  We are currently discussing the wolf population there.

The Grade 5s are continuing to tackle the Circulatory System this week, and will have a quiz on the Respiratory and Circulatory Systems at the week's end.

Religion:  We are delving deeper into the modern meanings of the ten commandments this week.

Phys Ed:  We continue to work out, and develop soccer skills.

Drama:  We are working on scene study this week!


Wednesday is our Junior Soccer Tournament at the Atlas Tube Center.  Due to conflicts in the bussing schedules, we must change the times to the following:

Leaving St. James at approximately 9:05
Leaving the Atlas Tube Center at 1:45 sharp.


Uniforms will be given out the day of the tournament.  If your child has his or her own shin pads, please send them to school with them.

Please feel free to call me with any questions or concerns.  The best time to reach me is from 10:30 to 11:30 daily.

This Week in Grade 5/6

Hello folks!  Welcome to a wonderful week ahead of learning! Please work on your multiplication tables and use agendas daily! Get your h...