Sunday, December 9, 2018

Countdown to Christmas: Advent Week 2

We are busy in Grade 5/6R preparing for the birth of Christ and our Christmas Concert!

The concert is on WEDNESDAY, December 12, at 1 PM and 6 PM.  Please write a note in your child's agenda letting me know if you can not make it to the night performance.  We are asking that all students arrive at the school by 5:45 pm the night of the performance.

A note has gone home with suggested costume items.  If your child needs help with a costume they should have let me know by Friday.  If not, please do so as soon as possible.

THANK-YOU to Sister Connie who organized an unforgettable night for our fifth and sixth grade girls.  They were treated to a shopping spree of clothes new to them, hair done, nails done, snacks, and overall fun!  We had a special night with our little ladies and loved every minute we spent with them!

The can drive continues!  Thanks so much for your generosity in bringing in so much food for those who need it!  We will collect cans until this Friday, the 14th.

Math Test:  Measurement on Tuesday

Students who are not completing work by the due date will be given a homework slip.  Please sign and return immediately.  Students need to attempt to meet the expectations put in place for them.

A piece written by one of our very own Grade 6 students

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Countdown to Christmas: Advent Week 1

We are going to have a very busy month ahead and our first week looks like this:

Math:  We will be wrapping up our unit on Measurement this week, and will have a test next week on area, perimeter and converting different units of measure ex:  cm-mm, mm-m, etc.

Literacy:  We continue to focus on the main idea in reading, and we begin to work on writing non-fiction articles in writing.

Social Studies:  We are looking closely at provincial and federal governments in grade 5 and economy and trade in grade 6.

Religion:  We will be discussing advent week 1, as well as delving deeper into the Beatitudes.

Dance:  We focus on our Christmas dance this week

Congratulations to Jayden-Ryan for winning the student of the month this month.  The theme was RESPECT.  You're a great example to others Jayden.


Can Drive:  We are collecting cans for a can drive.  If you have extra cans that you can send to school with your child, a family in need will be most grateful!

Girls Night:  Reminder of our girls night Thursday, December 6.  The time is from 3-6.  Please ensure you have pick-up plans arranged for your child.

Christmas Concert:  Our class is performing a short song and dance.  Some students are shepherds, some are angels, some are sheep and we have a Mary, Joseph, and some lead singers as well.  If you can outfit your child with the appropriate costume, it would be much appreciated, and if they need help with a costume, no worries!  We can set them up with something at school.

This Week in Grade 5/6

Hello folks!  Welcome to a wonderful week ahead of learning! Please work on your multiplication tables and use agendas daily! Get your h...