Sunday, March 31, 2019

This Week in Grade 5/6

As Easter weekend approaches we will begin to work on our rendition of Stations of the Cross for the assembly on Holy Thursday.  It is a privilege to tell the story of Jesus' resurrection.

Math: We continue analyzing and drawing polygons of various shapes.

Literacy: We continue to inference various pieces of literature and we write with a focus on grammar and sentence structure.

Science: We build and test our airplanes and bridges this week.

Religion: We continue to analyze our Lenten journey

Phys-Ed: We continue to work out with an emphasis on fitness for our whole body.

Please ask your child to view their agenda as they are given time to write in it daily.
Please take some time each night to review multiplication facts to 12.
Don't forget to return dance forms!

Please know that I feel so privileged to be part of each and every student's academic journey this year!
Making Valentines for Street Help

Having Fun and Learning!

Putting on Science demonstrations about the properties of air and different types of forces

Practicing for Stations of the Cross

Aurik's birthday

Rocking our Socks!

Monday, March 25, 2019

This Week in Grade 5/6

Hello all!

My apologies for not updating sooner, but we are back!  here is what we have to look forward to this week:

Math:  We have begun a unit on geometry and this past week we focused on measuring and classifying angles.  This week we will be looking at polygons, specifically quadrilaterals and triangles, and classifying them by their attributes.

We are also starting a "number ninjas" program.  Kids will receive a different colored belt as they move through the different levels of multiplication.  Please practice at home!

Literacy:  We are focusing on inferencing in reading.  We are trying to look deeper at a text to figure out the author's meaning.  Please read aloud with your children at home and discuss the meaning behind what you read.  The Harry Potter, Hunger Games and City of Ember series are a few suggestions for you.  We are focusing on including detail in our writing to paint a picture for our reader.  If we can include details, then we can visualize what we are reading better!

Pigeon Impossible

Science:  This week we will be building bridges to look deeper at how forces can affect structures, and designing and testing homemade airplanes to better understand the 4 forces of flight.

Religion:  We are looking at the different types of prayer and how we can speak to God in the best way that individually suits us.

Arts:  We are continuing to explore different themes in drama.  We have also started an extra curricular dance team that ill be competing May 11th!  More details to follow.  Not all classmates are part of this as some were not interested.

Phys-Ed:  We continue the beep test and various fitness exercises along with games of low organization.


Please check agendas nightly.  Many students are "forgetting' agendas at home.

The class will be participating in a Stations of the Cross presentation for the school on Holy Thursday

Some of our students participated in a lovely rendition of Stations of the Cross at the Rosary Chapel the Friday before March Break.  More pictures to come!

This Week in Grade 5/6

Hello folks!  Welcome to a wonderful week ahead of learning! Please work on your multiplication tables and use agendas daily! Get your h...