Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Great First Day!

We had a great first day here in Grade 5/6!  All students were very excited and positive, ready to get off to a fresh start!
Agendas, a letter from the office including a neighborhood walk form, a letter from myself, and a Board calendar went home yesterday with the kids.  Please check agendas nightly!

Homework:  Biopoem and Lifemap due Friday!

Thanks for a great start!  Let's go Spirit!

Image result for st james spirit wecdsb

1 comment:

  1. Hey St.James! I was so happy that I was able to find this blog and so exited to watch your guy's school year! Mrs. Reaume is an awesome teacher and I hope you all have a great year, from: Zoe (former student)


This Week in Grade 5/6

Hello folks!  Welcome to a wonderful week ahead of learning! Please work on your multiplication tables and use agendas daily! Get your h...