Sunday, September 23, 2018

This Week in 5/6R

This week we will be delving deeper into the following:

Math:  Multiplication and division.  We will be multiplying 3 and 4 digit numbers, and reviewing long division.

Language:  We are wrapping up connections with an activity rooted in the story of Terry Fox, and we are continuing to sharpen our skills of paragraph writing.

Science:  We delve deeper into the systems of the human body in Grade 5 and into further classifying living things, specifically vertebrates and invertebrates in Grade 6.

Religion:  We are wrapping up our discussions and activities on the history of the Apostle's Creed, and are publishing our own personal Creeds.

Phys-Ed:  We are continuing with our work-outs on Tuesdays with the beep test and HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training), and our sport days on Thursdays.

Drama:  We are continuing to explore improvisation

This Friday we walk Malden Park to celebrate the legacy of Terry Fox, a true Canadian Hero.

Don't Forget Tuesday is Meet the Teacher night!  I can't wait to meet all of our families!

Image result for meet the teacher cartoon

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This Week in Grade 5/6

Hello folks!  Welcome to a wonderful week ahead of learning! Please work on your multiplication tables and use agendas daily! Get your h...