Saturday, January 5, 2019

Happy New year!

Welcome back everyone!  I know that 2019 will bring us great opportunities and memories to make, and I am so looking forward to sharing these with your children!

Image result for epiphany 2019

Let's start the year off right!  The kids will be bringing their December mark booklets home on Monday.  Please sign and return ASAP.  If your child is coming home with a booklet that has some assignments labeled "not submitted," please discuss this with your child.  Most assignments are posted on google classroom, with the expectations in writing. 

Math:  We are starting a unit on data management.  We will be analyzing and interpreting graphs, creating graphs, and making calculations with graphs.

English:  We are going to work on analyzing messages in the media in regards to food advertisements and how they affect our choices.

We are starting a new word study program on Monday.  Ask your child what this entails.

We will continue with our guided reading groups with a focus on "summarizing."

Social Studies:  We will be wrapping up our unit on government and trade this week. 

Phys-Ed:  We continue running the beep test, doing aerobics, and we begin working on our basketball skills.

Religion:  We are finishing up our study of the Beatitudes.

Dance:  We will continue to dabble in various dances.

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