Here's what's up this week:
Math: We have begun our unit on decimals. This week we looked at representing, comparing and ordering decimals. Next week we will be adding and subtracting decimal numbers. If you want to know the full list of learning goals for this unit, they are posted in your child's notebook.
Reading: We are summarizing non-fiction articles this week. We have looked at different articles from the Newsela website this past week, and have discussed how to summarize them. Now the students will summarize these articles independently.
Writing: We are looking at different points of view in writing this week. We read the mentor text "Diary of a Spider," and discussed how our point of view is different from the main character in the story. This week we will continue to look at points of view in different literary works.
Media: We are wrapping up our unit on overt and implied messages this week with the creation of our own advertisements.
Science: We are exploring the properties of air and the different types of forces.
Religion: We are wrapping up our study of the story of the Rich Man and Lazarus. We are performing a tableaux recreation of the story this week for the Grade 1/2 class, and completing a feedback sheet to go along with it.
Notes: The students are encouraged to write in their agendas daily. I have instructed to have them initialed daily by both a parent and myself. I will leave a note in the agenda if a student has not completed their work. Please check your child's agenda daily.
Thanks to all of those parents that came out for our Wintry, Wizardly Math Day! The kids are so grateful to see their parents get involved in their school life!
Here are some photos of the students below:
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