Monday, September 10, 2018

Monday, September 10

Homework tonight:

Grade 5:  Page 30 #2 and 4

Grade 6:  Page 41 #1, 2, and 4

It's a good idea to have your child practice their multiplication tables.  Today in class we each had a die.  We found a partner and rolled the dice.  We multiplied to two numbers together.  The kids had fun!  It's always a good idea to reinforce this practice.

We are working on making connections in reading during our literacy block right now.  It's always a good idea to read to your children, and no matter what you read try discussing the material and making connections to the world around you or to their previous experiences or something they've read before.

Image result for making connections

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This Week in Grade 5/6

Hello folks!  Welcome to a wonderful week ahead of learning! Please work on your multiplication tables and use agendas daily! Get your h...