Sunday, September 16, 2018

What's Happening in 5/6R?

We are already working hard in Grade 5/6 here at St. James and the "Spirit" is flowing!

Math:  We are working on a unit in whole numbers.  The 4 basic operations are being explored (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) as well as applying these operations to real life problems.  We are also really working on getting our "times tables" down, so please practice with your kids at home!

Language:  In READING we are working on making connections and writing a proper reading response with an opening statement, citing the text for evidence to support our answers and making a closing statement.
In WRITING we are working on writing a proper sentence and a proper paragraph. 

Science:  The Grade 6s are working on exploring the "Diversity of Living Things," and in the fifth grade we are working on exploring the different systems (respiratory, circulatory, muscular) of the human body.

Phys Ed:  Tuesdays we will be running the beep test and doing a variety of aerobics, yoga, strength training activities.  On Thursdays we will play sports and games of low organization. 

Religion:  We are currently exploring the Apostle's Creed and writing our own creeds as well.

Arts:  Mrs. Knight will be teaching the students Visual Arts throughout the year and in our classroom we are currently exploring "Improvisation" in Dramatic Arts.

Walking Forms:  We are still waiting for 2 students to return their walking forms.  Please do so as quickly as possible so that we are prepared for the Terry Fox walk at Malden Park next week!

Reading Buddies:  We have teamed up with Ms. Daragon's class (Gr 1/2) to read together, and do different activities throughout the year.  The kids are loving it!

The kids seem to be adjusting well to their new grade and classmates and I have to say I love our little school...feeling very blessed to be part of the "Spirit!"

Below are some photos we took this week in class! 

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This Week in Grade 5/6

Hello folks!  Welcome to a wonderful week ahead of learning! Please work on your multiplication tables and use agendas daily! Get your h...