Saturday, November 3, 2018

This Week in 5/6

Math:  We are beginning a new unit this month in Patterning.  This is the most difficult unit for the kids usually, so if you could ask to see the learning goals posted in your child's work book that would be helpful.  The gist of it is can kids figure out and continue patterns involving two steps?  EX:  2. 5, 11, 23, The pattern rule is start at 2.  Multiply by 2 and add 1 each time. 

Literacy:  We have finished up our unit on Narrative Writing.  We are now working on further identifying when and where to start new paragraphs, and analyzing and writing poetry.  We will also look at media this month with a focus on overt and implied messages.

Social Studies:  We begin looking at different levels of government and trading with other nations this month. 

Phys-Ed:  We will begin to learn the basics of volleyball and continue working out cardiovascularly.

Dance:  We will begin to look at different forms of dance this month.

Notes:  Grade 6s will be heading to Central Park Athletics on Monday at 11 to check out their different sports academies.  I will hang back with the grade 5s while Mr. Bell brings all of the 6s.

Our class along with Ms. Daragon's class will be putting on a short Remembrance Day assembly on Friday at 10:30.  Please feel free to join us as we show our appreciation to our veterans and troops. 

Progress Reports go home on Monday, November 12th.  Parent-Teacher interviews are on Wed, the 14th.  Your child will come home with a sheet where you can request an interview or I have requested one with you.  Please return ASAP for scheduling purposes. 

Image result for patterning grade 5 and 6 interactive

Check out the links below to work on patterning at home with your kids:

Interactive Patterning Activities

Another One!

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This Week in Grade 5/6

Hello folks!  Welcome to a wonderful week ahead of learning! Please work on your multiplication tables and use agendas daily! Get your h...