Saturday, November 10, 2018

This Week in 5/6

This week we were lucky enough to spearhead the Remembrance Day assembly for our school, along with the Grade 1/2 class.  Our students were extremely reverent, everyone was so respectful throughout.  The kids were so professional and everyone learned their parts and performed with excellence. 

We also honoured our treasured volunteer, Miss Nancy, who goes above and beyond to provide for our students!  25 years dedicated and still going!

This week we send home progress reports on Monday, and parent-teacher interviews are Wednesday.  Looking forward to meeting and chatting with you!  Please return the form indicating the best time for an interview and I will do my best to accommodate you!

This Friday is a PD day as well.

Math:  We will be working on finishing up our patterning unit this week, and expect to have a test on Monday.  The kids seem to be feeling comfortable with finding the pattern rule, making a table of values, graphing the pattern, and finding the "nth" term.  

Reading:  We are reading a variety of Remembrance Day poetry this week and breaking down the deeper meaning.  We will be identifying the stanzas and defining what a stanza is.  In guided reading we will be looking at literary devices (similes, metaphors, personification, alliteration, hyperbole, etc)

Writing:  We will be writing out own poetry, and using some of those literary devices that we learn in guided reading.

Social Studies:  The grade 6s are looking at human rights and Canada's role in ensuring those rights are not hindered, and the grade 5s are analyzing levels of government.

Dance:  We will begin looking at different types of dances.

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This Week in Grade 5/6

Hello folks!  Welcome to a wonderful week ahead of learning! Please work on your multiplication tables and use agendas daily! Get your h...